How to Apply a Facial Mask Properly According to Your Skin Type The full explanations from the experts of elevare skin
Facial mask is a very popular skin product and are considered an essential for those who regularly take care of their skin. Basically, a mask can be applied by all or by a certain group of people to improve the overall skin condition of the person. Even though there are many types of facial masks available for different skin types and conditions, there are only a few general tips that are commonly used by many. Let’s see exactly what you need to do in order to apply a facial mask according to your skin type.
The first step when applying a facial mask, is to clean the skin. Since a mask will be left on the face for a quite some time, it is best to make sure that your hands are clean and you do not sharing towels or a wash cloth with another person, since germs can easily make an infection visible on the patches of the skin. You should also avoid touching your face with your hands or touching the wash cloth with your hands. Any contamination that is visible on the surface of the skin will immediately make the mask ineffective, so do not risk contamination.
Now it is time to apply the mask. Use a cotton swab or a cotton pad to apply the mask on the face. There are several different products available, and the instructions will tell you how to apply them on the skin. If you are in a hurry, you can simply squeeze the mask out on a fibre brush, and if you are in a team, you can spray the mask on the face and hands together and then shake the mask before applying it to the face. Spray the mask on the face with the included cotton swab, and shake before applying it to the hands.
Make sure that the hands are clean, and aftershave and any medication that is left on the skin should be removed completely. Now the face mask is to be applied, and not the hands. Wait for about three to five minutes after the hands are still mixed, so that the mask has time to dry. During this time, the face mask is cooling, and ready to be peeled off. Once the mask is peeled off, you may now apply makeup over the skin. A moisturizer can be used afterwards, to keep the skin smooth and supple.
Do not use a make-up remover to remove it. In some cases, removing the facial mask with cold water is still effective. The fact is that the clotted blood can be removed with cotton, and the residue can be inhaled while taking a drag from a cigarette. The same thing goes for bleaching the mask with hydrogen peroxide.
Reading the instructions carefully is still necessary even when you’re in the habit of following them. According to the label and from experience, it is safe to apply a mask right after taking a refreshing shower. Make sure that you cover your hair since the hair stretch marks will be exposed. Andadays, there are a lot of products that are considering natural ingredients. For instance, products containing wild Aloe Vera are effective to fade the stretch marks.
You can try other products such as olive oil, cocoa butter and me coupons. Any nut, fruit or vegetable can be considered. The type of stretch marks that you have are less important than who is buying it. If your stretch marks are visible, then by all means pursue cosmetic surgery to make them less noticeable. The prevention is the best method to avoid such marks.
However not everyone wants to undergo a full surgical procedure to prevent stretch marks. Some people wants to avoid their stretch marks as much as they can. Luckily, they can start using creams and other topical products to prevent stretch marks. Stretch marks are the most common among teenagers and women, so it is normal for them to have them.
However, you must use a cream to prevent stretch marks and not an ointment that only fades the marks. Stretch cream has nutrients that will improve the skin and reduce the marks or make them less noticeable. The most popular stretch mark creams contains vitamin E, squalene oil, vitamin A, aloe vera and grape seed extract just to name a few.