Removing these warts can be done with over the counter products, or with the help of your doctor. If you choose the doctor, he may use an acid to burn the wart off. He can also use an instrument, called a nano appraiser, that basically nano chips the wart. After that, he will then write the virus off in order to prevent it from spreading. Unfortunately, because you got the wart from a person, and not from your own body, the doctor will most likely inject an agent into the bottom of the wart to kill it off.
If you get rid of the plantar wart with the help of the doctor, the acid in the procedure will help the body in the removal of the virus. In the case of the acid, it will also remove the top layer of the wart as well. The procedure is usually painless, and you will only feel a small stinging sensation. The procedure is performed in just a matter of minutes.
With the help of the over the counter products, the standard procedure would be to have salicylic acid put on the area in order to have it dissolved. These may or may not need the help of a doctor. These will usually have the acid dissolved inside them, but in some instances, there are products that you can get that are active by themselves. These can be very painful due to the fact that you will be on the soles of your feet, but not being able to feel anything.
Other types of agents that are used by doctors to destroy the plantar wart are cantharidin and curettage. The removal of the plantar wart using this method is usually painless, but the open wound that the wart comes out of is a bit painful for a few days. The curettage process is slightly more painful, but the wounds heal faster. The doctor may also prescribe medication to the affected area to eliminate the virus and keep it from coming back.
Other types of treatments that can be used include a shampoo that has duct tape attached to it. This would cause the hair to be pulled out of the root to eventually reduce the wart. The wart can also be treated by applying a scented antiperspirant to it a few times during the day.
Doctors will also often prescribe an injection to destroy it. And finally, there are oral medications that are available for purchase to help with the wart removal process.
Since you now know what type of wart you have, how do you get rid of it?
The first thing you will need to do is decide on a treatment option. The best way to treat warts is to apply a treatment directly to the root of the wart. In choosing a treatment, the doctor will look at several factors such as the length and extent of the wart, how widespread it is and where is it located.
Using an OTC medication means that the doctor will have the ability to prescribe you a specific ingredient based on the severity and where the wart is located. There are OTC medications that have salicylic acid as the active ingredient, and others that have silver nitrate as the active ingredient.
In choosing an OTC medication, you need to make sure that you follow the medication’s instructions carefully. The worst mistake that one can make is to not follow their medication’s directions. You also need to not expect immediate results. You should be prepared for a two to three week wait for the wart to disappear before you can consider making a claim.
For plantar wart removal, it is best to consider using the cryotherapy method. This procedure involves using liquid nitrogen to destroy the wart with a spray. It is very effective but you should be prepared for a 15 – 20 minute treatment.
Improper healing can result in infection or in the permanent scarring of the skin. Cryotherapy is also not advisable for deep warts and plantar warts because it can damage the skin too much and cause the tissues to bleed.